

目前國際柔道連盟(IJF)有177個會員國,各國爲了在競爭激烈的比賽場上奪牌獲勝,莫不投入大量人力、物力做研究,國內柔道訓練相關研究甚少。間歇訓練(Interval Training)是以增強全身性耐力及速度性耐力爲目標的訓練法。本文依據柔道比賽能量系統及體能要求,列出柔道專項技術、柔道攻防訓練、柔道約定摔倒、柔道分組自由對摔等四種不同方式的間歇訓練方式與內容,期待能提昇國內柔道選手專項能力,進而於比賽過程中能將技術動作完全發揮,並在國際賽會奪牌獲勝。 The primary resource of energy of judo competition was from anaerobic energy system, and the secondary was aerobic energy system. The efficiency training program would be designed by energy resources requirements, interval training method was designed base on improved the total physical endurance and speed constancy. Find out the main type of energy consumption was the first priority of modern interval training program design for judo competitors. Chinese Taipei judo players had joined international competitions from 1950; like the Asia games and Asia judo championships, although we could get metals in the Asia region, however, we still cannot perform well in the world championships level. This study had collect four different kinds of professional judo training programs inductively, basing on the energy consumption characteristics of judo competition. In conclusion, our results may offer the references for professional physical abilities training programs of judo players, moreover, wish they could perform very well in the international games.
  • 柔道運動間歇訓練方式之探討
    目前國際柔道連盟(IJF)有177個會員國,各國爲了在競爭激烈的比賽場上奪牌獲勝,莫不投入大量人力、物力做研究,國內柔道訓練相關研究甚少。間歇訓練(Interval Training)是以增強全身性耐力及速度性耐力爲目標的訓練法。本文依據柔道比賽能量系統及體能要求,列出柔道專項技術、柔道攻防訓練、柔道約定摔倒、柔道分組自由對摔等四種不同方式的間歇訓練方式與內容,期待能提昇國內柔道選手專項能力,進而於比賽過程中能將技術動作完全發揮,並在國際賽會奪牌獲勝。 The primary resource of energy of judo competition was from anaerobic energy system, and the secondary was aerobic energy system. The efficiency training program would be designed by energy resources requirements, interval training method was designed base on improved the total physical endurance and speed constancy. Find out the main type of energy consumption was the first priority of modern interval training program design for judo competitors. Chinese Taipei judo players had joined international competitions from 1950; like the Asia games and Asia judo championships, although we could get metals in the Asia region, however, we still cannot perform well in the world championships level. This study had collect four different kinds of professional judo training programs inductively, basing on the energy consumption characteristics of judo competition. In conclusion, our results may offer the references for professional physical abilities training programs of judo players, moreover, wish they could perform very well in the international games.